Things tagged 'brent'

limited to the area of Westminster Cycling Campaign:

4 issues found for 'brent':

  • Lower Kilburn High Road

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Camden Council, Brent Council and Westminster Council  are consulting on the following joint proposals for the section of Kilburn High Road from West End Lane to Greville Place:

    • Extending bus lanes and standardising bus lane hours
    • Changing a zebra crossing to a signalised pedestrian crossing
    • Adding more trees
    • Widening the pavement
    • Providing more informal crossing points and a central island
    • Adding new cycle lanes and longer Advanced Stop Lines

    If the scheme goes ahead, it will be implemented under an ETO with a further consultation after 12 months from the start of the ETO period.

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  • Brent LIP

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    Statutory and public consultation on their draft documents is a requirement for Boroughs preparing their Local Implementation Plans. The draft London Borough of Brent Local Implementation Transport Plan (LIP3) sets out how the Borough Council proposes to implement the Mayor of London’s Transport Strategy at a local level in Brent. The plan uses the Borough’s Long Term Transport Strategy objectives and sets out how the future of transport for Brent will be provided up to 2041. It proposes a three-year programme of investment for the period 2019/20 - 2021/22. Under the Mayor’s Transport Strategy a further three year programme will be consulted on in the future. The full draft plan is available in the document section below. We would welcome your views on the draft LIP3 using this online questionnaire.

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  • Kilburn High Road Liveable Neighbourhood

    Henry Lancashire // 1 thread

    Info from survey:
    "The London Borough of Brent and Sustrans are working together to explore ways in which the Kilburn High Road and surrounding area shown could be improved. Together we want to better meet the needs of the community to make it a more desireable place to walk, cycle and enjoy being in.
    London Borough of Brent and London Borough of Camden will submit a joint application to Transport for London's Liveable Neighbourhood programme in November 2018, which will incorporate suggestions made by the community."

    Brent Cyclists are forming our own response, to be sent by end of October 2018.

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  • Carton Vale proposed cycling and pedestrian improvements

    Created by David Arditti // 1 thread

    The consultation on this is now out: see

    This is a scheme for which Brent Cyclists has been campaigning for some years. See also here for campaign context

    While this scheme does not do all we would like here it is a major step forward for the borough, which has no effective cycle infrastructure to speak of and lags behind adjacent LAs in cycling. Hence we would like to see it go through.

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18 threads found for 'brent':

No planning applications found for 'brent'.

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