Things tagged 'westminster'

limited to the area of Westminster Cycling Campaign:

55 issues found for 'westminster':

  • Cleveland Street Cycleway

    Created by linus // 1 thread

    This is a joint Camden and Westminster consultation of the design of a short route of part of the longer Fitzrovia to Pimlico cycle route. 

    Westminster Council is leading on this project. Consultation closes 3 March. There will also be a drop-in community event about the plans from 3pm to 7.30pm on Tuesday 7 February 2023 at Fitzrovia Community Centre, 2 Foley Street, London W1W 6DL.

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  • Quietway 7 (Cycleway 43) in Westminster - east section

    Created by Colin Wing // 4 threads

    This is the proposed route of the east section of Quietway 7 (Cycleway 43) in Westminster. At the western end, it has two branches: off Quietway 2 (Cycleway 27) at Norfolk Crescent and to/from Hyde Park via Connaught Square and Stanhope Place. It was not possible to show both of those on the map.

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    1. Burlington Gardens, Sackville Street, Vigo Street experimental traffic order

      Created by Dominic Fee // 1 thread

      Westminster City Council made an experimental traffic order on 8 February 2021, which will have effects including to:

      "(a) prohibit all vehicles from entering or proceeding in Vigo Street, between Savile Row and Sackville Street (except pedal cycles which will be able to travel in both directions);

      (b) introduce one-way working south-westbound in Burlington Gardens, between Savile Row and Cork Street (except pedal cycles);

      (c) reverse the one-way working in Sackville Street so that it applies in a northwestbound direction"

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    2. Lower Kilburn High Road

      Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

      Camden Council, Brent Council and Westminster Council  are consulting on the following joint proposals for the section of Kilburn High Road from West End Lane to Greville Place:

      • Extending bus lanes and standardising bus lane hours
      • Changing a zebra crossing to a signalised pedestrian crossing
      • Adding more trees
      • Widening the pavement
      • Providing more informal crossing points and a central island
      • Adding new cycle lanes and longer Advanced Stop Lines

      If the scheme goes ahead, it will be implemented under an ETO with a further consultation after 12 months from the start of the ETO period.

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    3. The Royal Parks' draft Movement Strategy

      Created by Simon Munk // 2 threads

      The Royal Park says:
      "The Royal Parks is embarking on an exciting and ambitious journey to develop a Movement Strategy that will influence movement and transportation throughout our parks and London.

      What is the Movement Strategy?

      The Movement Strategy will set a long-term vision for how park visitors will move within, access and subsequently experience the parks.

      The strategy will include a comprehensive exploration of all movement and access related issues and opportunities that are relevant to the parks both now and into the foreseeable future.

      This will include (but is not limited to) increasing safety for all park users, reducing the impact of vehicle-based traffic and reducing conflict between different modes.

      How will it be developed?

      To develop the strategy, we will utilise an evidence-based approach to explore all current and future movement opportunities. Input from key stakeholders, including the general public, will be a critical component in exploring possibilities, conflicts and issues that will inform the creation of the strategy.

      Engagement Phase One – Now Open.

      We are seeking input from key partners including the general public, Transport for London, neighbouring boroughs and all interested parties. This input is a critical component in exploring possibilities, conflicts and issues that will inform the creation of the strategy.This discussion paper sets out the draft aim and principles for our Movement Strategy. These summarise our aspirations and provide the basis for developing a series of bold projects and proposals across all eight parks."

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    4. TfL Safer Junctions - Edgware Road and Harrow Road consultation

      Created by Dominic Fee // 1 thread

      Shortened description from TfL webpage

      "We would like to know your views on proposals for the junction of Edgware Road and Harrow Road in the Paddington/Marylebone area.


      Our Safer Junctions programme is reducing road danger at some of the most hazardous junctions in London. These junctions have high collision rates for vulnerable road users, including people walking and cycling. This programme directly contributes to our Vision Zero target to stop people from dying and being seriously injured on London’s road network by 2041.

      The objectives of the Safer Junction programme are to:

      - Reduce road danger and help eliminate Killed and Seriously Injured (KSI) collisions
      - Help create streets where people feel safe to walk, cycle and use public transport
      - Make hostile junctions more welcoming and less dominated by motor vehicles, demonstrating the Healthy Streets Approach

      Why we are consulting

      In the last three years there were 29 personal injury collisions, of which five resulted in serious injuries (17.2%).

      A number of issues have been identified with the current junction layout:

      - Pedestrians not using designated crossing points
      - Existing pedestrian islands are narrow
      - There is a lack of cycle facilities, especially southbound where the road layout is not cycle friendly

      Our proposals

      We would like your views on the following proposals which aim to reduce the above issues.

      Applies to the whole junction

      - Introduce a 20mph speed limit across the junction
      - Widen all pedestrian crossings to make for a more comfortable and safer crossing

      North of the flyover

      - Ban left turn from Harrow Road into Edgware Road northbound
      - Build out northwest corner to remove slip road and provide a better pedestrian environment
      - Convert staggered crossing to straight across crossing to create better and safer routes to and from Edgware Road Bakerloo line station
      - Make Bell Street no exit onto Edgware Road
      - Change current three lane road layout to two traffic lanes and a cycle lane through the junction
      - Widen southbound bus lane to 4.5m as it passes the bus stop
      - Install cyclist early start signal on southbound Edgware Road

      South of the flyover

      - Convert the short section of Edgware Road northbound bus lane beneath the flyover, into cycle lane
      - Install a cyclist early start signal at the junction heading northbound on Edgware Road
      - On Harrow Road westbound reduce the road width to two lanes by building out the footway on the southwest corner, to provide a better pedestrian environment
      - Reduce the width of the westbound slip road from Marylebone Road to one 4.5m lane by building out the footway on the southeast corner of the junction to provide better pedestrian environment
      - Remove the guardrail and narrow the pedestrian island of the pedestrian crossing to the south of the flyover to allow for an 8.0m width on the southbound Edgware Road to prevent traffic merging with cyclists

      Additional proposals for the area around the junction

      These proposals are not part of the Safer Junction improvements. However, opportunities have been identified to improve air quality and priority space for buses in the area and we would like to know your views on these additional proposals.

      Improving the road layout for northbound buses

      Just north of the Edgware Road/Harrow Road Junction the road narrows and creates a bottleneck for traffic.

      Changing the footpath layout here allows for the bus lane to be extended north of Newcastle Place, removing the bottleneck for northbound buses."

      Westminster Cycling Campaign will be preparing and submitting a response to this consultation, and we will be grateful for any comments you provide. TfL usually describes responses in quantitative terms, e.g. 'XX% of reponses supported or strongly supported the proposals', so we therefore encourage you to submit your own response too.

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    5. Quietway 19 in Westminster

      Created by Colin Wing // 4 threads

      This is the route of Quietway 19 in Westminster. Only this section is scheduled for completion by 2016. The remaining section through Mayfair is scheduled for a later phase.

      Nominal deadline set to clear this from the Consultation Map.

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    6. Marylebone Low Emission Neighbourhood Projects

      Created by Dominic Fee // 1 thread

      "As part of the Marylebone Low Emission Neighbourhood (LEN), Westminster City Council is proposing to introduce a number of new measures around Marylebone High Street and Paddington Street. These interventions will sit alongside the behaviour change measures already undertaken as part of the LEN programme."

      Details of these proposals are set out below, showing the existing and proposed arrangements, as well as information on the rationale. Once implemented, these proposals will be the first of their kind in Westminster. If you would like to comment on the proposals or have any questions, please email by 11.59pm on 5th December 2018. Responses will be considered before proceeding with the next stages of design and implementation."

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    7. Westminster City Plan 2019-2040

      Created by Dominic Fee // 1 thread

      Westminster City Council is consulting on its City Plan for the period 2019-2040. This is the Council's local plan, which sets out local planning policies and identifies how land is used, determining what will be built where.

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    8. TfL's proposed changes to junctions along Edgware Road

      Created by Dominic Fee // 1 thread

      From TfL webpage :
      "We are proposing changes to junctions along Edgware Road, between the Marylebone Flyover and Marble Arch, which will improve safety for pedestrians, and other road users.

      Our proposals include:

      - Creating new pedestrian crossings, with green and red man signals
      - Adding count down timers to new and existing crossings
      - Creating more space for pedestrians on the pavement
      - Limiting speed for vehicles to 20 miles per hour
      - Providing new Advanced Stop Lines (cycle boxes) for cyclists"

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    9. Oxford Street District Place Strategy and Delivery Plan

      Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

      Westminster Council says:

      The draft strategy sets out a series of ambitious, exciting and also deliverable recommendations to significantly improve the district as a whole, with 96 projects across 87 different streets and spaces. We’ve also identified nine zones that reflect varying character from Marble Arch to Tottenham Court Road. The strategy was developed from previous consultation responses, proposed plans and a process of engagement in order to identify and understand concerns and ideas.

      All of the proposals are our ideas as to what could be done to improve the area. Subject to the feedback we receive in the consultation, the council will then carry out the detailed technical work that would be needed to turn those preferred proposals into reality.

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    10. Nine Elms Pimlico bridge

      Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

      Flyer says:
      Wandsworth Council is proposing a pedestrian and cycle bridge to
      connect Westminster and the new neighbourhood emerging in Nine Elms
      as well as the existing communities south of the river.
      The connection will improve access to this new shopping, restaurant and
      cultural district, as well as the new green spaces, thousands of jobs and
      Northern Line stations.
      Following consultation in 2017 on nine possible locations between
      Vauxhall and Chelsea bridges we have now selected three location
      options for further exploration.
      We want to find out what you think about this new car free bridge so are
      holding public exhibitions across Wandsworth, Westminster and Lambeth.
      Join us to learn more about the proposal and help shape one of London’s
      most exciting infrastructure projects. See the back of this leaflet for time
      and location details.
      You can also find out more and tell us your views online from Monday 5

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    11. Oxford Street Transformation - 2nd consultation

      Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

      TfL says...

      In our last consultation in April 2017, we explained that our vision is to transform Oxford Street into the world’s best outdoor shopping experience and an unrivalled place to live, work and visit. We received nearly 12,000 responses. There was support, as well as some understandable concerns, and many respondents indicated the key issues they felt we should consider. We have listened very carefully to the issues raised and in the months since then we have discussed our vision with a large number of local residents groups, businesses and others to help us understand such issues in more detail. As a result, we have developed a set of detailed proposals for the transformation of the street and the entire surrounding district. We genuinely believe these proposals respond positively to the concerns raised by some and would enable us to deliver a significantly improved Oxford Street and the wider Oxford Street area for everyone.

      Our vision is not simply to transform Oxford Street: the proposals we have developed are for the entire district. They would:
      Make it much easier to walk throughout the area
      Create beautiful, safe, accessible and inspiring public spaces full of life and spectacle to address some of the very serious and pressing issues of poor road safety and air quality in the Oxford Street area
      Support businesses to grow and respond to the district as it transforms and create new jobs
      Equally protect and enhance the quality of life for residents in the area
      Support the introduction of the Elizabeth line to the area
      Our proposals represent one of the most significant investments in central London for many years. This is a once in a generation opportunity to transform a key area in central London.

      For the first time ever we are substantially reducing the number of buses in the area. This has allowed us to bring forward these proposals.

      Doing nothing to transform the Oxford Street district would mean that traffic and pedestrian congestion on Oxford Street and in the surrounding area would worsen. Transformation gives us an opportunity to address the very poor air quality in the area, and reduce the number of collisions on Oxford Street in which people are hurt. It would give us the opportunity to create a network of truly world-class and inspiring public spaces, in which businesses could thrive and grow. It would deliver investment for transformational improvements to the entire area.

      Our proposals set out how we would improve the look and feel of the Oxford Street West district, and changes to how people could access and use the space. All of the proposals are intended to transform the way that the West End feels and functions for everybody. We have made no decisions on whether to proceed and we will not do so until you have had your say and we have had chance to consider the points you raise.
      Cllr Robert Davis MBE DL, Deputy Leader, Westminster City Council
      Valerie Shawcross CBE, Deputy Mayor for Transport
      Mike Brown MVO, Commissioner, Transport for London

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    12. TfL's proposals for Grosvenor Place

      Created by Dominic Fee // 1 thread

      Details of TfL’s proposals for Grosvenor Place can be found on the following webpage:
      "We are proposing road safety improvements on Grosvenor Place between Duke of Wellington Place and Wilton Street. Our proposals include new pedestrian crossings at the top of Grosvenor Place and measures designed to reduce collisions involving turning vehicles."

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    13. Lambeth Bridge North & South

      Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

      TfL says:

      We have developed proposals to transform the road layout at the northern and southern roundabouts at Lambeth Bridge to create a safer environment for cycling and walking. We would also make changes to some approach roads and to the bridge itself.
      Focussing on road safety, our proposals are designed to keep traffic moving along these key routes, whilst providing a better balance to the way that space on the road is allocated.
      Our proposals would require changes to the way general traffic moves through the area, including new left or right turn traffic restrictions on some roads at each end of the bridge.

      What are we proposing?
      We propose to convert both the northern and the southern roundabouts of Lambeth Bridge into crossroad junctions, with traffic signals and signalised pedestrian crossings. At each junction, dedicated space would be given for cyclists and new pedestrian areas would be created.
      To support these transformational plans, changes to the road layout are also proposed on Lambeth Bridge itself, at the Millbank north junction with Great Peter Street and along Lambeth Palace Road. These layout changes include two general traffic lanes at each exit from the bridge, the introduction of a signalised pedestrian crossing at the Millbank north junction with Great Peter Street, and the extension of the southbound bus lane on Lambeth Palace Road.
      We have also developed public realm improvements, sensitive to the heritage of the area. These designs propose to further enhance the look and feel of the area so that we can promote a real sense of place to Lambeth Bridge and its surrounds.
      The Metropolitan Police Service has installed barriers to increase security on London’s busiest bridges. Our proposals will aim to ensure that the security of all road users is maintained in the future.

      We are also seeking views on:
      Longer-term plans for the pedestrian underpass at Albert Embankment
      A potential new location for the palm tree at Lambeth Bridge north
      The current traffic speed at Lambeth Bridge north and south

      Why are we proposing it?

      Our proposals are designed to improve safety at both northern and southern roundabouts by introducing dedicated facilities for vulnerable road users, such as signalised pedestrian crossings, new cycle lanes and separate cycle signals. The northern roundabout in particular has a high proportion of collisions involving cyclists, and is one of 33 locations across London we are prioritising as part of our Safer Junctions programme.

      Healthy Streets to encourage walking and cycling
      The proposals form part of the Mayor of London’s long-term vision to encourage more Londoners to walk and cycle by making London’s streets healthier, safer and more welcoming. Both roundabouts and Lambeth Bridge are currently dominated by motor traffic and can be intimidating and unpleasant places to walk and cycle. By giving cyclists space and time to pass through the junction more easily, and by providing new signalised crossings and clearer footways for pedestrians, we can encourage more people to use these healthy and sustainable forms of transport, whilst keeping other traffic moving.

      Building a local cycle network
      Lambeth Bridge and its roundabouts lie on busy cycle commuter routes. Making the area safer and more welcoming for cyclists would help build connections to existing infrastructure, such as Cycle Superhighway Route 8 on Millbank, and planned improvements, such as Westminster Bridge and Central London Grid routes. The following map shows how our proposals would build on cycling connectivity in the area.

      The impacts of our proposals

      Journey times
      Our proposals have been designed to not have a disproportionate impact on other road users. However we expect there would be changes, both positive and negative, to journey times for motorists, bus passengers and cyclists.
      More detailed information on the traffic impacts of the Lambeth Bridge proposals, including tables of the likely journey time impacts, can be found here
      Should these proposals go ahead, we would take a number of steps to ensure that the changes made along the route are balanced. We are investing in advanced traffic signal technology to allow us to better manage traffic depending on differing conditions at any given time.

      Turning restrictions
      Our proposals include a number of restrictions to turning movements:

      ‘Straight-ahead only’ for traffic exiting Millbank north
      A time-of-day banned right-turn from Millbank south onto Lambeth Bridge during the evening peak
      A banned left-turn for northbound traffic from Millbank south into Horseferry Road
      ‘Straight-ahead only’ for traffic exiting Horseferry Road
      A banned left-turn from Lambeth Palace Road onto Lambeth Road.
      A banned right-turn from Lambeth Road onto Lambeth Palace Road.
      We do not develop proposals to introduce traffic restrictions without carefully considering the potential impacts and exploring alternative solutions. The restrictions are proposed either to address a safety issue or to help the signalised junction operate more efficiently, minimising potential journey time delays to road users.

      The environment

      Air and noise
      Although the designs for Lambeth Bridge north and south are not expected to increase the number of motor vehicles in the area, our proposals may change how traffic moves around some roads, which may result in some associated and localised changes to air quality and noise levels. Environmental surveys and modelling would take place as part of our ongoing evaluation of these proposals.

      Tree removal
      Our proposals require the removal or relocation of a number of trees in order to accommodate the new road layout:
      The iconic phoenix palm tree at the centre of the roundabout on the northern side of Lambeth Bridge would look to be relocated
      Seven trees at the centre of the roundabout on the southern side of Lambeth Bridge would need to be removed
      One tree at the junction of Millbank and Great Peter Street would need to be removed
      New trees will be planted at Lambeth Bridge north and south as part of proposed urban realm improvements. Subject to the outcome of consultation, tree species would be determined during detailed design.

      Visual environment
      Our proposed urban realm improvements aim to improve the look and feel of the area, as shown in our artists’ impressions.

      Features include:
      Reducing the dominance of traffic, allowing pedestrians and cyclists to better enjoy the area
      Increasing the surface area of the public realm by approximately 1,370 square metres at Lambeth Bridge north and approximately 1,790 square metres at Lambeth Bridge south
      Attracting more visitors to the area and local attractions such as Victoria Tower Gardens
      Planting new trees bringing overall benefits for the area’s biodiversity and landscape
      Providing new seating
      New footway materials to improve the look of the streets along Albert Embankment, Lambeth Palace Road, Millbank and Lambeth Bridge
      The removal of unnecessary and duplicate poles, signs and other street furniture
      Upgrades where necessary to existing lighting and drainage
      Provision of more cycle parking
      An opportunity to provide additional Cycle Hire stations
      Upgraded wayfinding for example to Newport Street Gallery
      In considering the design of our streets, we closely consider the needs of all users throughout the design process. On significant infrastructure projects, we:

      Complete Equality Impact Assessments (EqIA), to review potential impacts on equality target groups, including disabled people
      Carry out public consultations, including targeted engagement with specific users such as (amongst many others): Royal National Institute of Blind People, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Age Concern, Transport for All, and the National Autistic Society
      Ensure we comply with established guidance – such as the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges – which includes detailed requirements for disabled people
      The EqIA for Lambeth Bridge north and south will continue to be developed following the outcome of this public consultation, incorporating feedback received.

      Other options considered but not taken forward
      We considered a number of alternative designs before taking forward our current proposals.
      At Lambeth Bridge south, we considered retaining the roundabout, but this provided minimal benefits for cyclists. We also considered ‘hold the left’ turn facilities on Lambeth Road and Lambeth Bridge, which separate cyclists from other traffic with separate traffic signals. However this scenario would have caused significant traffic queueing due to the extra signal phase required and was difficult to accommodate due to the structure of the bridge.
      We also considered a number of designs at Lambeth Bridge north including a signalised junction and a ‘Dutch style’ roundabout with a physically separated cycle track around the edge of the roundabout. However, our modelling indicated that this would have had significant impact on journey times for other road users in the area, including thousands of bus passengers.
      Having considered a number of designs, we believe the current proposals would achieve the best balance for all road users.

      Related schemes
      Lambeth north interim scheme
      During March 2017, we delivered interim safety improvements at Lambeth Bridge northern roundabout.
      The changes were timed to bring improvements whilst we continued with plans to re-work the junction's layout for the long-term.

      Next steps
      Subject to the outcome of this consultation, should we proceed with these proposals, we would look to start construction in late 2018.
      Although construction would cause some disruption, we would take steps to minimise this as far as possible.
      Building in late 2018 would allow us to coordinate with major planned maintenance work on Lambeth Bridge, and with work currently taking place at Westminster Bridge South.

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