Quietway 88 (Cycleway 40) in Westminster
This is the proposed route of Quietway 88 in Westminster. An alternative option uses the west side of Trafalgar Square instead of Cockspur Street.
limited to the area of Westminster Cycling Campaign:
76 issues found for 'consultation':
Created by Colin Wing // 3 threads
This is the proposed route of Quietway 88 in Westminster. An alternative option uses the west side of Trafalgar Square instead of Cockspur Street.
Created by Colin Wing // 4 threads
This is the proposed route of the east section of Quietway 7 (Cycleway 43) in Westminster. At the western end, it has two branches: off Quietway 2 (Cycleway 27) at Norfolk Crescent and to/from Hyde Park via Connaught Square and Stanhope Place. It was not possible to show both of those on the map.
Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread
On the 7th June 2021 Transport for London launched a trial on the use of rental electric scooters across some parts of London.
E.g. in Ealing, Hammersmith and Fulham, Richmond, Kensington and Chelsea and Tower Hamlets (ride through only) and Canary Wharf.
The City of London and Westminster plan to join the trial on the 5th July 2021.
Camden Council is now consulting on taking part in this trial.
Service operators Dott, Lime and Tier.
The e-scooters would be unlocked through the operator’s app on the user’s mobile phone and would be required to be parked within a designated parking bay at the end of a journey.
They would be permitted on public highways in Camden and cycle lanes and will share cycle contraflow facilities.
They would not be permitted on pavements or any public pedestrian space.
Riders would need to be 18 years of age or over and have a full or provisional driving licence to rent an e-scooter
Speed would be limited to 12.5mph. GPS managed speeds..
They would be parked on street in assigned dockless hire parking bays, GPS enforcement of using bays
Created by Colin Wing // 7 threads
This is an east-west cycle route between Bayswater and Fitzrovia.
Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread
This scheme is intended to reduce through traffic on King Henry’s Road and Elsworthy Road, both of which have ~ 2000 motor vehicle movements per day in each direction, 74% of which is through traffic. In addition, average speeds are well in excess of 20 mph.
To stop the rat-running and to reduce the traffic volumes and speeds on King Henry’s Road and Elsworthy Road, Camden proposes the following point closures:
In addition, Camden proposes:
Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread
Camden Council, Brent Council and Westminster Council are consulting on the following joint proposals for the section of Kilburn High Road from West End Lane to Greville Place:
If the scheme goes ahead, it will be implemented under an ETO with a further consultation after 12 months from the start of the ETO period.
Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread
Camden Council is consulting on a review of its parking permits and parking charges
Motivation: diesel vehicle ownership and trips have not reduced sufficiently to address the AQ impact.
The proposed changes are from April 2021 unless stated otherwise.
Residents Parking permits
The diesel surcharge to be raised from 21.5% to 50% of the petrol vehicle permit price (surcharge ranging from £65 to £237 per annum).
The petrol vehicle permit price depends on CO2 emissions and ranges from £130-£274 p.a.
Electric vehicles get free permits.
Visitors permits
Not mentioned in the consultation document so presumably remain the same e.g. £1.12 per hour.
Car clubs
The current permit price is £289. This will change to a price based on CO2 emissions with a diesel surcharge.
The price for electric cars will be £86. The lowest CO2 emission polluter pays £289.
Doctors’ permits
The same charges as for a Car Club vehicle.
Paid for parking sessions
Currently, the borough is divided into four areas each with different tariffs. The areas with the two lowest tariffs will be merged.
CO2 emission based charging will be introduced and the diesel surcharge will be raised from 21.5% to 50%
Electric vehicles pay from £2.40 to £4.14 per hour in areas 1 to 3 while the charge for petrol cars range from £3.43 (lowest polluter in the cheapest area) to £5.15 (highest polluter in most expensive area).
Increased price for coaches £13.82 per hour.
Maximum stay of 1 hour where there is currently no maximum and in CPZs with only 2 hours of operation.
South of Euston Road maximum stay reduced from 2 to 1.5 hour. From April 2022.
Motorcycle parking
Discount electric m/c residents’ permit (to £22 p.a.) and increase the price of petrol ones (to £130 p.a.). They also have business permits and visitor permits.
Convert all dedicated solo m/c bays to shared use with one of the various permits. No more free parking for m/cs.
Paid for parking £3.42-£5.92 per hour for petrol and £1.72-£2.96 electric per hour.
Created by Pearl // 1 thread
A discussion about the Dept for Transport's new Call for Evidence about changing the law regarding e-scooters and other similar vehicles. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/873363/future-of-transport-regulatory-review-call-for-evidence.pdf
Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread
Due to the expansion of Euston Station to accommodate HS2. residential parking has been reduced around Euston Station, which has triggered a review of provision in the CA-G CPZ.
Created by Simon Munk // 2 threads
The Royal Park says:
"The Royal Parks is embarking on an exciting and ambitious journey to develop a Movement Strategy that will influence movement and transportation throughout our parks and London.
What is the Movement Strategy?
The Movement Strategy will set a long-term vision for how park visitors will move within, access and subsequently experience the parks.
The strategy will include a comprehensive exploration of all movement and access related issues and opportunities that are relevant to the parks both now and into the foreseeable future.
This will include (but is not limited to) increasing safety for all park users, reducing the impact of vehicle-based traffic and reducing conflict between different modes.
How will it be developed?
To develop the strategy, we will utilise an evidence-based approach to explore all current and future movement opportunities. Input from key stakeholders, including the general public, will be a critical component in exploring possibilities, conflicts and issues that will inform the creation of the strategy.
Engagement Phase One – Now Open.
We are seeking input from key partners including the general public, Transport for London, neighbouring boroughs and all interested parties. This input is a critical component in exploring possibilities, conflicts and issues that will inform the creation of the strategy.This discussion paper sets out the draft aim and principles for our Movement Strategy. These summarise our aspirations and provide the basis for developing a series of bold projects and proposals across all eight parks."
Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread
Council says:
Encouraging cycling is one of the Council’s borough transport objectives. We want to make sure cycling is safe, easy, attractive and inclusive for all. We are also concerned about the impacts of poor air quality on our residents, and believe making cycle trips safer is part of the solution to providing alternatives to motor vehicle trips. We hope that new and existing cyclists alike will appreciate being able to use clearly signed routes along quiet side streets.
We are consulting on a new cycle route - incorporating a section of route we have already consulted on - which serves our communities in Shepherd’s Bush, Holland Park and Notting Hill Gate. The route has been co-designed alongside major resident's associations and local cycling champions.
The route begins at Holland Park Roundabout, passes through the large paved space between Holland Park Roundabout and Norland Road, then progresses the length of Queensdale Road until it joins a route that we have previously consulted on, and which we will be building in mid-2020. The new route then picks up again at Clarendon Road, turns into St John’s Gardens and along Lansdowne Crescent before crossing Ladbroke Grove and into Kensington Park Gardens. Crossing Kensington Park Road, it progresses down Chepstow Villas before meeting a route due for implementation by May 2020. Please see the cycle route map below for the full alignment.
In general, the measures that we are proposing are designed to reduce the speed and volume of traffic – where our surveys have suggested these are higher than permitted under TfL’s Cycle Route Quality Criteria – and to reduce the risk of conflict at junctions. The route does not propose fully segregated cycle lanes along the alignment, apart from on the approach to the Kensington Park Road junction. As with all our cycle routes, if implemented, the route will be monitored annually to ensure our proposals have secured the levels of speed and traffic volume appropriate to a cycleway.
We are asking what you think of our proposals regarding the new cycleway. Please read the following information carefully before filling in the questionnaire no later than 22 March 2020.
Proposed changes
At the junction of Queensdale Road/St Ann’s Villas, a new raised table is proposed, aiming to encourage drivers to slow down where cyclists and pedestrians are crossing.
On Lansdowne Road, at the junction with St John’s Gardens, we are proposing to permit two-way cycling in this section of one-way road. To facilitate this, we propose to cut back the build out on the western side, providing more carriageway space to allow a short section of cycle lane. This short lane will help warn drivers that the road is two-way for cyclists, and encourage cyclists and vehicles to correctly position themselves at this junction.
Where Lansdowne Crescent meets Ladbroke Grove, we are proposing to close Lansdowne Crescent to enable cyclists to safely reach a new proposed parallel crossing facility across the busy Ladbroke Grove. Vehicles will still be able to use St John’s Gardens. To facilitate a new turning circle for vehicles at the proposed ‘cul-de-sac’ end of Lansdowne Crescent, we are proposing removal of three resident parking bays.
To allow cyclists to cross Ladbroke Grove, we are proposing upgrading the current zebra crossing to a parallel crossing (that can be used by both pedestrians and cyclists) and extensions to the footways on the eastern side to provide small areas of shared-space footway.
On Kensington Park Gardens, where traffic speeds are on the high side, we are proposing three sinusoidal road humps and an entry treatment at the junction with Ladbroke Grove. Sinusoidal humps are designed so that when driving or cycling over them at lower speeds, they are more comfortable to drive over than traditional humps, but if travelling at an inappropriate speed, they cause a noticeable ‘bump,’ encouraging slower speeds. We know that some people are concerned that road humps contribute to poor air quality, when they lead to drivers braking and accelerating hard. We have designed the proposals in line with government guidance on the correct spacing between the humps to avoid hard braking and acceleration. We have recently introduced sinusoidal humps in St James’s Gardens and we also use them when we resurface roads with traditional humps – for example, Abbotsbury Road already features some sinusoidal humps.
We are proposing some restrictions at the junction of Kensington Park Gardens/Kensington Park Road/Chepstow Villas, where traffic flows are high on both Chepstow Villas and Kensington Park Road
Kensington Park Gardens will be entry only from Kensington Park Road. Traffic will still be able to access and exit Kensington Park Gardens at the western junction with Ladbroke Grove.
At the junction of Kensington Park Road and Chepstow Villas, traffic exiting Chepstow Villas will have to turn left (south). Traffic would not be able to enter Chepstow Villas from Kensington Park Road, but vehicles will be still be able to access and exit Chepstow Villas at the eastern junction with Portobello Road
These proposals would reduce rat-running through Chepstow Villas and Kensington Park Gardens and enable the introduction of a short section of segregated bi-directional cycle path and a new parallel ‘tiger’ crossing for pedestrians and cyclists across Kensington Park Road. We are also proposing some changes to the planting in Chepstow Villas, with the addition of new planters and potentially a rain garden. Should the proposals go ahead, we will monitor the effects of any traffic displacement carefully to see if further changes are required on neighbouring roads.
At the junction of Chepstow Villas/Portobello Road - where we know many of our residents and tourists cross regularly to explore Portobello Road - we are proposing a raised table and footway extensions to encourage slower vehicle speeds where cyclists and pedestrians are crossing the junction.
What happens next?
A full report of the results of the consultation will be presented to the Executive Director for Environment and Communities, who will then make a decision on whether the proposed changes should be implemented.
After this consultation, should the initial response be positive, the Council will be carrying out further statutory consultation in order to amend traffic orders to facilitate implementation of the proposals.
Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread
The proposed Climate Action Plan proposes the first of two 5-year programmes towards vision of a zero carbon Camden by 2030.
Created by Dominic Fee // 1 thread
Westminster City Council is undertaking a formal ('Regulation 19') consultation on its City Plan 2019-2040 (its Local Plan).
Created by Dominic Fee // 1 thread
Shortened description from TfL webpage https://consultations.tfl.gov.uk/roads/edgware-road-junction/:
"We would like to know your views on proposals for the junction of Edgware Road and Harrow Road in the Paddington/Marylebone area.
Our Safer Junctions programme is reducing road danger at some of the most hazardous junctions in London. These junctions have high collision rates for vulnerable road users, including people walking and cycling. This programme directly contributes to our Vision Zero target to stop people from dying and being seriously injured on London’s road network by 2041.
The objectives of the Safer Junction programme are to:
- Reduce road danger and help eliminate Killed and Seriously Injured (KSI) collisions
- Help create streets where people feel safe to walk, cycle and use public transport
- Make hostile junctions more welcoming and less dominated by motor vehicles, demonstrating the Healthy Streets Approach
Why we are consulting
In the last three years there were 29 personal injury collisions, of which five resulted in serious injuries (17.2%).
A number of issues have been identified with the current junction layout:
- Pedestrians not using designated crossing points
- Existing pedestrian islands are narrow
- There is a lack of cycle facilities, especially southbound where the road layout is not cycle friendly
Our proposals
We would like your views on the following proposals which aim to reduce the above issues.
Applies to the whole junction
- Introduce a 20mph speed limit across the junction
- Widen all pedestrian crossings to make for a more comfortable and safer crossing
North of the flyover
- Ban left turn from Harrow Road into Edgware Road northbound
- Build out northwest corner to remove slip road and provide a better pedestrian environment
- Convert staggered crossing to straight across crossing to create better and safer routes to and from Edgware Road Bakerloo line station
- Make Bell Street no exit onto Edgware Road
- Change current three lane road layout to two traffic lanes and a cycle lane through the junction
- Widen southbound bus lane to 4.5m as it passes the bus stop
- Install cyclist early start signal on southbound Edgware Road
South of the flyover
- Convert the short section of Edgware Road northbound bus lane beneath the flyover, into cycle lane
- Install a cyclist early start signal at the junction heading northbound on Edgware Road
- On Harrow Road westbound reduce the road width to two lanes by building out the footway on the southwest corner, to provide a better pedestrian environment
- Reduce the width of the westbound slip road from Marylebone Road to one 4.5m lane by building out the footway on the southeast corner of the junction to provide better pedestrian environment
- Remove the guardrail and narrow the pedestrian island of the pedestrian crossing to the south of the flyover to allow for an 8.0m width on the southbound Edgware Road to prevent traffic merging with cyclists
Additional proposals for the area around the junction
These proposals are not part of the Safer Junction improvements. However, opportunities have been identified to improve air quality and priority space for buses in the area and we would like to know your views on these additional proposals.
Improving the road layout for northbound buses
Just north of the Edgware Road/Harrow Road Junction the road narrows and creates a bottleneck for traffic.
Changing the footpath layout here allows for the bus lane to be extended north of Newcastle Place, removing the bottleneck for northbound buses."
Westminster Cycling Campaign will be preparing and submitting a response to this consultation, and we will be grateful for any comments you provide. TfL usually describes responses in quantitative terms, e.g. 'XX% of reponses supported or strongly supported the proposals', so we therefore encourage you to submit your own response too.
Anon // 1 thread
We want your views on our proposals to make the streets we manage in central London 20mph by 2020 and the associated measures.
Last year, in partnership with the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), we published the Vision Zero Action Plan. The Action Plan sets out our ambition to eliminate death and serious injury from London’s transport network by 2041.
It details our plans to reduce road danger, including proposals to implement a 20mph speed limit on the roads we operate and manage in central London.
We’ve been working to determine the most effective way of implementing the new speed limits and are now ready to share our plans with you.
We’ve provided more information about our proposals on this page and would like your feedback before we progress this important safety programme.
Created by George Coulouris // 1 thread
Camden Council has prepared a draft Vision and Urban Strategy for Holborn and they are running a public consultation open to local residents, businesses, workers, community groups, and everyone else who has an interest in the area. Their primary aim is to produce a Planning Strategy document to guide Camden's Planning Committee's decisions on construction projects in the area.
We intend to submit a response by the Cycling Campaign because it clearly interacts with and should complement the Holborn Liveable Neighbourhood Scheme for which funding of around £12m has been announced by TFL and Camden. The draft for the Vision and Urban Strategy references the Liveable Neighbourhood Scheme and outlines its main proposed actions including the proposed segregated cycle tracks on New Oxford Street and Theobolds Road, so there is no reason to fear a conflict. But the responses to this consultation may have some implications for the LN, so we should respond stating our priorities.
Both schemes propose the removal of the Holborn gyratory and the closure of its Procter Street arm creating a traffic free space there instead.
Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread
TfL says:
We want your views on our proposals to transform roads in west London through four connected neighbourhood improvement schemes between Wood Lane and Notting Hill Gate.
The proposals are an important part of the Mayor's Transport Strategy. The proposals are guided by the Mayor's Healthy Streets Approach, which aims to encourage walking, cycling and public transport and make London greener, healthier and more pleasant. The proposals are also an important part of the Mayor's Walking and Cycling Action Plans. These complementary plans set out how we and London boroughs will work to increase the number of people walking and cycling, helping to address poor air quality and congestion, while improving infrastructure to make walking and cycling even easier, safer and more accessible for everyone.
These proposals would provide benefits for road users and communities in these areas, making it easier to cross busy roads, removing through traffic on some residential roads and offering a segregated space for people to cycle in west London. They would form part of London’s emerging cycling network and create a more appealing street environment for everyone to enjoy.
The proposals include:
The proposed changes presented in this consultation are not final. We welcome your views on our proposals and your feedback will inform how we progress the schemes.
Created by Simon Still // 1 thread
Pembridge Square to Meanwhile Gardens Cycle Route Consultation
The Council wants to create high quality cycle routes for people who have considered cycling, but been put off by the idea of sharing busy roads with lorries and buses. We hope that many existing cyclists will also appreciate being able to use clear, direct routes along quiet side streets.
We are consulting on a new cycle route, linking the existing cycle route known as Quietway 2 in Notting Hill to the route along the Grand Union Canal. It begins at Pembridge Square, crosses Pembridge Villas/Pembridge Road and runs along Pembridge Crescent, Denbigh Road, Colville Road, Colville Gardens, Clydesdale Road, All Saints Rd, Tavistock Crescent, passes under the Westway then along Acklam Road, St Ervan’s Road, Golborne Road and in to Meanwhile Gardens where cyclists can connect to the existing cycle route along the canal towpath. In general, the measures that we are proposing are designed to slow down traffic, or to reduce the risk of conflict at junctions.
We are asking what you think of our proposals regarding the new cycle route. Please read the following information carefully before filling in the survey no later than 29 March 2019. For further information, please contact cycling@rbkc.gov.uk or call 020 7361 3766.
Proposed changes
On the southern section of Pembridge Square, we are proposing three sinusoidal humps to reduce traffic speeds. Sinusoidal humps are designed so that when driving or cycling over them at lower speeds, they are more comfortable to drive over than traditional humps, but if travelling at an inappropriate speed, they cause a notable ‘bump’, encouraging slower speeds. We know that some people are concerned that road humps contribute to poor air quality, when they lead to drivers braking and accelerating hard. We have designed the proposals in line with government guidance on the correct spacing between the humps to avoid hard braking and acceleration. We have recently introduced sinusoidal humps in St James’s Gardens and we also use them when we resurface roads with traditional humps – for example, in Abbotsbury Road near Holland Park.
To the western end of Pembridge Square, where there is a very large expanse of asphalt, we are proposing a new island with planting, and clearer road markings to clarify how vehicles should navigate this section of the square.
To allow less confident cyclists to cross Pembridge Villas/Pembridge Road, we are proposing to convert the existing pedestrian crossing to a parallel crossing. Parallel crossings combine a pedestrian zebra with a crossing for people travelling by bicycle, so that people attempting to cross on bikes enjoy the same priority as pedestrians. We have installed similar crossings with success on North Pole Road and King’s Road.
The proposed design also includes widening the pavements on either side of this proposed crossing to provide more space for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as reducing the crossing distance. Raising the level of the carriageway on the two side roads to pavement level at the junction with Pembridge Road, Pembridge Square and Pembridge Crescent would also help to discourage high speeds and provide a more comfortable crossing for pedestrians.
On Westbourne Grove, we propose moving the bus stop road markings slightly further away from the junction with Denbigh Road. This will involve the loss of one parking space, but would allow greater visibility of oncoming traffic for all road users exiting Denbigh Road. Introducing double yellow lines around this junction would further increase visibility for all road users by discouraging inappropriate parking. We also propose to re-work the pedestrian crossing so that it better aligns with the carriageway of Colville Road.
Created by Dominic Fee // 1 thread
Westminster City Council is undertaking a public consultation on 19 proposed new, secure cycle parking hangars throughout the borough, plus the relocation of the 2 existing hangars on Ilbert Street.
Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread
Camden’s Clean Air Action Plan has been produced as part of our duty to London Local Air Quality Management. It outlines the action we will take to improve air quality in Camden between 2019 and 2022.
Apologies for very late posting
Created by Dominic Fee // 2 threads
Westminster's City Council's Strand/Aldwych Project
Created by Simon Still // 1 thread
The Mayor of London published his Transport Strategy (MTS) in March 2018. The aim is for 80 per cent of all trips in London to be made on foot, by cycle or using public transport by 2041 (compared with 63 per cent in 2015).
Our Third LIP sets out how we plan to implement the MTS locally as well as our other local transport-related priorities. LIPs are statutory documents and all London boroughs must prepare and submit their LIPs to Transport for London (TfL) for Mayor of London approval. See the MTS on the London.gov website.
There are four main elements of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea's LIP:
To help shape the themes of our LIP we ran an online map-based ‘Commonplace’ survey during the summer of 2018, inviting people to tell us the kind of transport improvements they would like to see in their local area. See the online map.
407 people responded to the question ‘What is your biggest concern about getting around on Kensington and Chelsea's streets? Amongst all respondents the top five concerns in descending order were:
Amongst those who stated that they lived in the borough the top five concerns were:
We welcome your views on our draft LIP and the Environmental Report. If you have any comments please complete the survey online or Alternatively you can email them to lip3@rbkc.gov.uk or send them by post to:
Created by Dominic Fee // 1 thread
Westminster City Council is consulting on its Local Implementation Plan 3 (LIP3) Delivery Plan, through which the Council applies to TfL for funding for the period 2019/20 to 2021/22 to implement transport improvements that accord with the Mayor's Transport Strategy.
Created by Simon Still // 1 thread
Statutory and public consultation on their draft documents is a requirement for Boroughs preparing their Local Implementation Plans. The draft London Borough of Brent Local Implementation Transport Plan (LIP3) sets out how the Borough Council proposes to implement the Mayor of London’s Transport Strategy at a local level in Brent. The plan uses the Borough’s Long Term Transport Strategy objectives and sets out how the future of transport for Brent will be provided up to 2041. It proposes a three-year programme of investment for the period 2019/20 - 2021/22. Under the Mayor’s Transport Strategy a further three year programme will be consulted on in the future. The full draft plan is available in the document section below. We would welcome your views on the draft LIP3 using this online questionnaire.
Created by Dominic Fee // 1 thread
"As part of the Marylebone Low Emission Neighbourhood (LEN), Westminster City Council is proposing to introduce a number of new measures around Marylebone High Street and Paddington Street. These interventions will sit alongside the behaviour change measures already undertaken as part of the LEN programme."
Details of these proposals are set out below, showing the existing and proposed arrangements, as well as information on the rationale. Once implemented, these proposals will be the first of their kind in Westminster. If you would like to comment on the proposals or have any questions, please email info@marylebonelen.org by 11.59pm on 5th December 2018. Responses will be considered before proceeding with the next stages of design and implementation."
532 threads found for 'consultation':
Get Sutton Cycling
A discussion on issue
Watercress Park Motorcycle Inhibitor
Marcus Howarth
Get Sutton Cycling
A discussion on issue
Cycleway between Sutton High Street and Colliers Wood - Proposals in Sutton
Marcus Howarth
Get Sutton Cycling
A discussion on issue
Greenshaw High School regeneration project
Marcus Howarth
Get Sutton Cycling
A discussion on issue
Plough Lane
John K
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Camden Park Road and Torriano Avenue Safe and Healthy Streets
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Queen's Crescent Area Scheme Public Consultation
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Oakley Square (north) - Safe and Healthy Streets Consultation
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
St Pancras Way Cycle Track
John Chamberlain
A discussion on issue
Arlington Road Area Low Traffic Neighbourhood
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Southampton Row and Theobalds Road Safe and Healthy Streets
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Highgate Road Safe and Healthy Streets
Jean Dollimore
A discussion on issue
Millfield Lane Safe and Healthy Streets
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Proposed Pedestrian and Cycle Improvements on Abbey Road Junction With Belsize R
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Prince of Wales Road Walking, Cycling and Road Safety Improvements
Stefano B
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Chalk Farm Road Walking, Cycling and Road Safety Improvements
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Prowse Place and Wilmot Place Healthy Streets
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Red Lion and Dane Street Healthy Streets
Jean Dollimore
A discussion on issue
Shadwell Liveable Streets Consultation
Alex Jenkins
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Camden Road Toucan crossings TfL consultation
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Three sets of road closures to be made permanent Sandall Road, Savernake Road, C
John Chamberlain
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Electric Scooter Trial in Camden
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Goods Way Scheme
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Proposed Zebra Crossing / Temporary Parking Relocation - Ferdinand Street NW1
Jean Dollimore
A discussion on issue
Brick Lane Liveable Streets consultation
Alex Jenkins
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Proposed Trial Changes to Haverstock Hill and Rosslyn Hill
Paul Allen
5 library items found for 'consultation':
No planning applications found for 'consultation'.