Westminster Cycling Campaign

We are the local, volunteer group of the London Cycling Campaign. Our group is open to any LCC member who lives, works, studies or cycles in the City of Westminster. We aim to encourage people to cycle, improve conditions for cycling and raise the profile of cycling in Westminster. The majority of our 250 members are Westminster residents. When we write to our local councillors, we are writing to Westminster's councillors. All members are welcome to contribute as much or as little time as they wish. You're welcome to just come to our meetings to listen to what's happening.

Meetings and events
We have six meetings each year. We learn more by discussing opinions and proposals together, so please join us to have your say on the issues that affect you. We organise events such as led cycle rides and Dr Bike events with cycle mechanics, maps and leaflets. Please see the LCC website's events list, which we use to record and advertise our events.

We work with authorities including Westminster City Council, Transport for London, the Royal Parks and the Canal & River Trust. Please click Our Latest Discussions below, which we use to invite comments, debate opinions and record our consultation responses.

Other news and discussions
See our Twitter account to keep up to date with the latest local news and discussions. You don’t need your own account to view it.

Contact details
Colin Wing / 020 7828 1500 / westminster@lcc.org.uk

  • Cleveland Street Cycleway

    Created by linus // 1 thread

    This is a joint Camden and Westminster consultation of the design of a short route of part of the longer Fitzrovia to Pimlico cycle route. https://westminstercycleways.co.uk/cleveland-street-cycleway.html 

    Westminster Council is leading on this project. Consultation closes 3 March. There will also be a drop-in community event about the plans from 3pm to 7.30pm on Tuesday 7 February 2023 at Fitzrovia Community Centre, 2 Foley Street, London W1W 6DL.

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  • Electric Scooter Trial in Camden

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    On the 7th June 2021 Transport for London launched a trial on the use of rental electric scooters across some parts of London.

    E.g. in Ealing, Hammersmith and Fulham, Richmond, Kensington and Chelsea and Tower Hamlets (ride through only) and Canary Wharf.

    The City of London and Westminster plan to join the trial on the 5th July 2021.

    Camden Council is now consulting on taking part in this trial.

    Service operators Dott, Lime and Tier.

    The e-scooters would be unlocked through the operator’s app on the user’s mobile phone and would be required to be parked within a designated parking bay at the end of a journey.

    They would be permitted on public highways in Camden and cycle lanes and will share cycle contraflow facilities.

    They would not be permitted on pavements or any public pedestrian space.

    Riders would need to be 18 years of age or over and have a full or provisional driving licence to rent an e-scooter

    Speed would be limited to 12.5mph. GPS managed speeds..

    They would be parked on street in assigned dockless hire parking bays, GPS enforcement of using bays

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  • Burlington Gardens, Sackville Street, Vigo Street experimental traffic order

    Created by Dominic Fee // 1 thread

    Westminster City Council made an experimental traffic order on 8 February 2021, which will have effects including to:

    "(a) prohibit all vehicles from entering or proceeding in Vigo Street, between Savile Row and Sackville Street (except pedal cycles which will be able to travel in both directions);

    (b) introduce one-way working south-westbound in Burlington Gardens, between Savile Row and Cork Street (except pedal cycles);

    (c) reverse the one-way working in Sackville Street so that it applies in a northwestbound direction"

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  • Oxford Street plans: Chance to fix Marble Arch bike lanes

    Created by nix // 1 thread

    The bike lanes across Marble Arch have long been chaotic and poorly marked. Confusion has been increased by the hurried COVID additions. I have found taking my 14 year old to practice learning to ride on North Carriage Drive scary.

    I have heard our Chair  despair on the subject before.

    Specifically there are no clearly marked lanes on the Marble Arch island, through an area mobbed in Summer with visitors, and with a table tennis table on the intuitive route. But a chance has emerged - see below. Link via Westminster web-site to oxfordst@westminster.gov.uk.

    Views are sought to "stakeholderteam@murphycareyjv.co.uk by Friday 19 February 

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  • King Henry's Road area Safe and Healthy Streets

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    This scheme is intended to reduce through traffic on King Henry’s Road and Elsworthy Road, both of which have ~ 2000 motor vehicle movements per day in each direction, 74% of which is through traffic. In addition, average speeds are well in excess of 20 mph.

    To stop the rat-running and to reduce the traffic volumes and speeds on King Henry’s Road and Elsworthy Road, Camden proposes the following point closures:

    • Elsworthy Road at the junction with Avenue Road
    • Elsworthy Road to the east of the junction with Elsworthy Rise
    • King Henry’s Road to the east of the junction with Elsworthy Rise

    In addition, Camden proposes:

    • A Healthy School Street for St Paul’s School (in the eastern end of Elsworthy Road) operating 8am to 9am and 3pm to 4pm with exemptions for people who live in that section of road
    • Footway widening on Primrose Hill Road near to St Paul’s School
    • and a new Zebra crossing near Oppidans Road

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  • Lower Kilburn High Road

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Camden Council, Brent Council and Westminster Council  are consulting on the following joint proposals for the section of Kilburn High Road from West End Lane to Greville Place:

    • Extending bus lanes and standardising bus lane hours
    • Changing a zebra crossing to a signalised pedestrian crossing
    • Adding more trees
    • Widening the pavement
    • Providing more informal crossing points and a central island
    • Adding new cycle lanes and longer Advanced Stop Lines

    If the scheme goes ahead, it will be implemented under an ETO with a further consultation after 12 months from the start of the ETO period.

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  • Camden Council review of parking permits and parking charges

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Camden Council is consulting on a review of its parking permits and parking charges

    Motivation: diesel vehicle ownership and trips have not reduced sufficiently to address the AQ impact.

    The proposed changes are from April 2021 unless stated otherwise.

    Residents Parking permits

    The diesel surcharge to be raised from 21.5% to 50% of the petrol vehicle permit price  (surcharge ranging from £65 to £237 per annum).

    The petrol vehicle permit price depends on CO2 emissions and ranges from £130-£274 p.a.

    Electric vehicles get free permits.

    Visitors permits

    Not mentioned in the consultation document so presumably remain the same e.g. £1.12 per hour.

    Car clubs

    The current permit price is £289. This will change to a price based on CO2 emissions with a diesel surcharge.

    The price for electric cars will be £86. The lowest CO2 emission polluter pays £289.

    Doctors’ permits

    The same charges as for a  Car Club vehicle.

    Paid for parking sessions

    Currently, the borough is divided into four areas each with different tariffs. The areas with the two lowest tariffs will be merged.

    CO2 emission based charging will be introduced and the diesel surcharge will be raised from 21.5% to 50%

    Electric vehicles pay from £2.40 to £4.14 per hour in areas 1 to 3 while the charge for petrol cars range from £3.43 (lowest polluter in the cheapest area) to £5.15 (highest polluter in most expensive area).

    Increased price for coaches £13.82 per hour.

    Maximum stay of 1 hour where there is currently no maximum and in CPZs with only 2 hours of operation.

    South of Euston Road maximum stay reduced from 2 to 1.5 hour. From April 2022.

    Motorcycle parking

    Discount electric m/c residents’ permit (to £22 p.a.) and increase the price of petrol ones (to £130 p.a.). They also have business permits and visitor permits.

    Convert all dedicated solo m/c bays to shared use with one of the various permits. No more free parking for m/cs.

    Paid for parking £3.42-£5.92 per hour for petrol and £1.72-£2.96 electric per hour.

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  • 2-way Cycle Tracks - do cyclists use them in the contraflow direction?

    Created by Bruce Lynn // 2 threads

    Observations on the recently opened Cycleway 4 in South London indicate that 25% of cyclists choose NOT to use it in the contraflow direction. This is consistent with the view of many cyclists that it is better to be on the "correct" side of the road.  A short report of the counts on CW4 is at


    I would be interested if anyone else has similar findings. and in general how people feel about 2-way tracks.  TfL seem to like them (use a bit less space, a little cheaper). But if they are significantly less likely to be used than two 1-way tracks, this information might get us better designs.

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